ok, so thus far in my blogging history i think the most important information i've given you is that my favorite number to write out is eleven. and just so you're all aware, my least favorite number to write out is eighteen. ugh. it just makes me cringe to even look at that number written out.
seriously, worst number ever. that's what's kept me away from writing for so long, avoiding writing out that number.
however, it's time to bite the bullet to share you one of the most ridiculous things i re-stumbled upon tonight. some of you are presumably familiar with funny or die, a website created by will ferrell. let me say, my opinion of will ferrell is similar to that of kirsten dunst. i'm not a huge fan. but every once in a while he gives me something i can't live without. certain things off this website fall into that category.
i can't imagine my life without drunk history. it's featured on the website and is pure genius.
let me explain the premise of these videos. history buffs (which i think are probably grad students due to the age they appear to be) get drunk and talk about a historical event. i know i know, it's a complicated premise right? simplicity equates to genius in my book, and hence why i am in love with this web series.
this is the first video created. and clearly, it's amazing.
i like to think that i would make an EPIC episode of drunk history.
and yes, clearly i already know the specifics.
i would consume 5 AMFs. for all of you who aren't aware of what this drink is, consider yourself lucky.
and then i would consume at least one original 4loko. you know, just to keep things classy.
i would then proceed to talk about a specific historical event. mine would be about amelia earhart and her failed trip around the world. because for whatever reason i can still remember a project i did on her in like 6th grade.
the drunk history would undoubtedly end with me yelling about really needing a hot dog. followed by my language skills failing and i would begin to speak complete jibberish. and finally ending with an attempt to make out with the camera man.
clearly, my drunk history would be a funny or die classic.
drunk history, you are utterly wonderful.
will ferrell, i'll be waiting for your call to start filming.
drunk history is my very favorite. i cant believe i didnt think to introduce it to you sooner!